Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Exploring the Ridley High School Model UN Team

By Joey Harmon
Ridley’s Model UN Team is a group of students who meet and discuss global issues, research information, and attempt to find the best possible solution to challenges facing the world.

Since 1994, the advisor of this team has been Mrs. Rita Jordan-Keller who teaches in the Social Studies Department.

The Ridley Model UN Team attends different universities and either private or public schools. They have had conferences at Temple University and the University of Pennsylvania.
At these conferences, each Model UN Team member is a delegate from a different country who attempts to take on that country’s viewpoint.  Advisor Mrs. Jordan-Keller stated that the reasoning for this is because “Not every country sees issues the same way.”

The teams are divided into committees and they discuss different global issues, such as women and children’s rights, terrorism, nuclear and environmental issues, and other critical issues.

Students in conferences attempt to resolve world issues by using the format that the United Nations use in reality.

The Ridley Model UN team went to Temple University in December of 2011.  At this conference, they spoke about Somalia and Sub Sahara African issues. 

Arne Dunkin, the Secretary of Education, also attended this conference and encouraged the students to continue putting effort into issues around the world.  Several high schools from around the world joined the Philadelphia high schools via videoconference.
“The members of the Ridley Model UN Team participate with the World Affairs Council of Philadelphia and join hundreds of other students in an annual Model UN Conference or G20 Summit.  Last year’s G20 Summit was held on March 10th at Temple University,” stated Mrs. Rita Jordan-Keller.

Several years ago, former Ridley student Maria Pouchnikova, was chosen as Secretary General at a UN conference, which was held at the University of Pennsylvania.  The Secretary General is the highest official at the United Nations. 

Out of all twenty-five schools that attended the conference at the University of Pennsylvania, Maria Pouchnikova was chosen to represent this role to lead the UN conference.

This past year, both freshmen, Jordan Laslett and sophomore, Sean Martin, received special recognition for their participation at conferences held at Archmere Academy and Temple University respectively.

The Ridley Model UN Team was fortunate enough to take a trip to New York City in March to visit the headquarters of the United Nations.  They were given a private tour, on which they enjoyed visits to the General Assembly, the Security Council, and later, the world’s largest toy store, FAO Schwarz. 

It is their intention to go back and visit the United Nations and the World Trade Center next time.

Members of the Ridley Model UN Team are interested in working with other countries and finding solutions to the complex world in which all people live.  “Students who are interested in international issues and finding solutions to global challenges are always welcomed to join the Ridley Model UN Team and to come to our meetings in room B208,” said Mrs. Jordan-Keller.
If working for world peace is a passion of yours, you would enjoy participating in the activities that the Model UN Team is involved in.

“The students always remain optimistic knowing that solutions can be found in the way that countries can work together” proudly stated Mrs. Jordan-Keller.

Some events that the Model UN team participates in are:
  • On September 21, they celebrated the International Day of Peace, otherwise known as Peace One Day.
  • In October, the team worked with the Amnesty International, which is an independent international organization in support of human rights, to increase awareness of political prisoners.
  • Last December 8th, they went to the International Student Summit conference at Temple University.
  • During the holiday season, they had a Fund Raiser for Bead For Life, an organization that offers women who make and sell jewelry to get out of poverty in Africa.
  • Finally, on March 30th, they went to New York City to visit the United Nations.
 If these events interest you, the Ridley Model UN Team would be a great activity for you to join.


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